Liquidity locked to help Scotty AI guard the cryptoverse forever!

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Guardian Of The Crypto Universe

In a vast and complex world of cryptocurrency, there existed the legend of a dog named Scotty the AI. He was a Scottish Terrier
with shaggy, jet-black fur that shimmered like the night sky, making him both an enigma and a sight to behold. It wasn’t just his
appearance that set him apart. Scotty possessed a rare combination of intelligence and cunning that made him a force to be
reckoned with. Many believed that he was a guardian of sorts, a protector of the secrets of the crypto universe. With his advanced
AI capabilities, he roamed the endless expanse of code and algorithms that made up the digital world, always staying one step
ahead of those who sought to catch him.

What Is $scotty?

In the cryptoverse's arena, Scotty the AI, a guardian of digital realms, faced off
against Floki and Shiba Inu, titans of meme coin fame. Unlike any ordinary
Scottish Terrier, Scotty's jet-black fur and advanced AI made him a formidable
opponent. This wasn't just a clash; it was a showdown of wit over might. Scotty,
with his deep understanding of the blockchain's intricacies, outmaneuvered the
duo, safeguarding the cryptoverse's balance. His victory wasn't about dominance
but ensuring the digital world remained a place for all, showcasing his role not
just as a protector but as a wise guardian always steps ahead.

Buy Now


Scotty's Adventures
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Scotty stays current on AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrency advancements with
his advanced AI system that gives him unparalleled insight into the inner
workings of blockchain technology. He analyzes complex algorithms and code with
ease, spotting patterns and anomalies that even the most skilled human
programmers would miss.

With his incredible memory he's able to recall every transaction, every block,
and every hash that has ever been recorded on the blockchain. He sifts through
vast amounts of data in seconds, searching for clues and connections that
others can only dream of.

Moving through the digital world with lightning-fast agility, darting through
the blockchain like a ghost in the machine. Scotty bypasses security systems
with ease, slipping through the tiniest gaps in firewalls and encryption

Scotty Ai's Companions

Scotty AI

Supply is 1,734,567,890
Public Sale = 867,283,945

Staking, Dev, Exchange, Marketing = 867,283,945

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Exchange Listings
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Phase 1
Scotty Community Launch
Scotty AI Contract Audit
Token Generation

$Scotty takes on the high
road with a robust marketing

Presale Launch
Scotty Ai's Plan
List  Item List  Item List  Item List  Item List  Item
Phase 2
Scotty Swap Launch
Chat With Scotty Beta
Blockchain Takeover
Scotty Awareness Campaign
Scotty Picks Beta
List  Item List  Item List  Item List  Item
Phase 3

Token Listings: Launch
$Scotty token on popular
DEXs with ample liquidity
and accessibility. Public
Launch of $Scotty

CEX Listings
Community Partnerships
Scotty Times digital
How To Buy?
Connect Your Wallet

Connect your MetaMask or other wallet to this website using the widget at the top of the page. From there you can easily buy $SCOTTY
tokens using ETH, BNB, MATIC, USDT, or bank card.

Fund Your Purchase

Ensure you have either ETH, BNB, MATIC, or USDT in your wallet to swap for $SCOTTY. Deposit crypto into your wallet if you don't.
Alternatively, use the Card option.

Swap Tokens For $SCOTTY

Go to the buy widget and select the amount of tokens you wish to swap for $SCOTTY. Authorize the transactions in your wallet and make
you leave enough ETH, BNB, or MATIC for gas fees.


Once you've bought $SCOTTY tokens, you can immediately put them to work. Click on 'Staking' in the menu and stake your tokens early to
take advantage of the extremely high APY!

Claim Your Free $scotty Token

Sign up now to get your free $SCOTTY tokens!

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The team actively engages with the community through social media and other channels, making it a
truly community-driven project.

© 2023 by Scotty Ai. All rights reserved!


Cryptocurrency investments carry a high risk of volatility. Be aware of the tax implications, as profits may be subject to capital gains or other taxes in your jurisdiction.
Cryptocurrency regulations can vary, so ensure you understand the rules in your area. Conduct thorough research and invest only what you can afford to lose.